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Friday, April 8, 2011

Liberalism and Racism.

            In an effort to correct a common misconception, I would like to discuss the relationship between race and economic policies.  I believe that the Conservative Right has long gotten an unfair reputation for being inherently racist when in fact, liberal economic policy, mostly through unabashed pandering actually has an abysmal track record when it comes to benefitting minorities; particularly African Americans.  I feel that these misconceptions have grown largely from the fact that the left has taken much liberty in baseless accusations of racism toward the right.  Through the use of facts and hypothetical situations, I will attempt to show the folly of this way of thinking by sticking to the effects of policy on the population.
            The first thing that must be considered in this discussion is that I must make it clear that when I speak of Conservatism, I am speaking principally of Conservatism in its most laissez-faire, utopian state.  This is not to be confused with the Republican Party, nor is it to be confused with individuals within the Republican Party or any other right leaning political group.  As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, there are racists in every political party in the land.  For the good of their political careers, all but a foolish few know to keep their mouths shut.  Also, let us not just assume that being Republican automatically makes one conservative.  Ronald Reagan ran up a budget deficit.  After we read his lips, George Bush raised taxes and most recently, George W. Bush continued to spend as if the coffers were bottomless.  In contrast, one of the Republican Party’s whipping boys, Bill Clinton, actually ran the country with a balanced budget. 
            I never thought I would use the phrase “He who smelt it, dealt it” in anything more highbrow than a discussion about who farted, but in this case, it makes quite an apt analogy.  If one is looking for racism, the best thing to do is follow the cries of racism.  The adage “people accuse others of that which they themselves are most guilty” certainly holds true.  If racism is a fart, the left is the one dealing it.  While unabashedly pandering to African Americans, it is also quite fashionable in liberal circles to hate Christians, Republicans, southerners and rich people.  Based on what I perceive from common liberal attitudes, it is not okay to hate a group of individuals based on their color, but hating them or at least turning your nose up at them for religious, political, financial or geographical reasons is perfectly acceptable.  I will defend until my last breath a person’s right to hate anybody for any reason, no matter how petty or irrational.  The second a person deputizes themselves into the role of the racism police, his or her moral high ground to trash groups of individuals is forfeited. 
            Liberal policy provides for generous social safety nets for the poor in various forms spanning from welfare, health care benefits, food stamps, section 8 housing and earned income credits to name a few.  It also dangles tempting tax credits in the faces of the poor in the form of deductions based on having more children.  Since the African American population struggles with poverty to a higher degree than other groups, on the surface, this sounds like a pretty sweet deal for the beneficiaries which based on percentages, somewhat disproportionately, African American.  Alas, however, it is true that nothing in life is free and this is no exception.  If I walk down your street and hand each individual I see $1,000 and leave without ever saying a word, it would make me a philanthropist, a generous man, a hero.  What if I were to do the same thing, but come back later that year in November and ask if you remember that $1,000 I gave to you and then proceed to ask with a wink and a nod if I can count on your vote without explaining the true impact of my politics on your neighborhood.  What if that money I gave was actually stolen from another neighborhood?  What if I was also receiving my own gift of $10,000 from another entity who actually profits from your impoverishment?  Within that context, suddenly I don’t seem so much like a philanthropist as I do a charlatan banking on your gullibility and your desperate state to garner political gain.  This is exactly the kind of back door racism that the left practices.  They shake the black man’s hand palming a twenty while putting a knife in his back.  This is pandering and pandering is a far more insidious, destructive form of racism than many of its much more overt forms.  This is a policy that assumes that the African American voting block is too stupid and too infantile to think like individuals.  This policy assumes that if thrown a bone, their vote is guaranteed as they will simply fall in line like good, obedient livestock.

This is the point where I either got distracted or ran out of steam.  This is by no means close to finished and I look forward to continuing this discussion in the future.  Hopefully some of you will have a comment or two which may help reignite this topic for me. 
Loose material-My favorite line by Seth Meyers at white house dinner ,,,to Obama.."if ur hair gets any whiter, it will be endorsed by the Tea Party.'   Retweet by Colin Cowherd

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